Download the Kingdom(b)® Brochure for Plan Sponsors or call us at (540) 345-3891.
Helping pastors, missionaries, and church employees finish the race well through 403(b)(9) retirement plans

Honoring our pastors, missionaries, and church staff by helping them to plan well for retirement is a privilege that the team at LightPoint™ Portfolios joyfully embraces. As a team, we’ve created the Kingdom(b)® ministry retirement plan to offer benefits that go beyond the basic 403(b) plan. Kingdom(b)® preserves a tax benefit that many pastors enjoy throughout their ministry – the pastoral housing allowance. And because the Kingdom(b)® utilizes faith-based investing, it’s an all-around great choice for the entire church staff.
What makes Kingdom(b)® different from many standard 403(b) plans?
The Kingdom(b)® offers faith-based investing, also known as biblically responsible investing, which is growing in popularity with Christians. The plan offers investments in LightPoint™ Portfolios, Beacon Wealth Consultants’ risk-adjusted, asset-allocated portfolios that are screened to promote biblical values. There are pathways that are appropriate for every pastor and church staff member, from those just starting their ministry to those who are closer to retirement.
Kingdom(b)® is designed for a specific subset of the 403(b) marketplace: the pastor or minister and the church staff as well as missionaries and other ministry professionals. As a 403(b)(9) plan, it provides the benefit of the pastoral housing allowance distributions at retirement – a significant tax savings. This allows a minister who is ordained, licensed, or commissioned to receive a designated portion of their salary (or in this case, 403(b) distributions) that is excluded from gross income and not subject to federal income tax.
Not only does the Kingdom(b)® include negative screens – avoiding business practices that are harmful to our brothers and sisters — it also includes positive screens. Through this positive screening process, our portfolio team seeks “Shining Light Companies,” those that operate from high moral standards, benefitting humanity. Our investment committee closely monitors and evaluates both the negative and positive faith-based screens using a thoughtful approach and three screening services. Some of the investment screens includes involvement in abortion, adult entertainment, anti-family concerns, and companies that exploit human addictions.
Kingdom(b)® plans have been warmly welcomed by individual churches, denominations, and missions agencies and include responsive service and education to all plan participants.
To learn more about LightPoint™ Portfolios, view or download the Kingdom(b)® brochure or call us at (540) 345-3891.
Kingdom(b) Overview
Watch this 3-minute video for a short overview of how the Kingdom(b)® can help you and your company!
Our Process
We use a guided process that has been refined over years of serving churches and ministries.
We’ll start by taking a look at your current plan and help you answer some questions you probably have such as:
- How much does our current plan cost?
- Does our plan carry any unnecessary risks or liabilities?
- Do our investment options align with our biblical values, or do they invest in things like abortion and pornography?
- Does our plan offer good participant education and wellness resources for my employees?
We’ll help you answer these questions about your current plan. We’ll also screen your current fund line-up and let you know if any of your current funds are invested in companies that don’t align with your values.
Additionally, we will show you the LightPoint™ difference – a plan designed for your church or ministry with competitive fees, a fund line-up of traditional retirement plan options as well as faith-based investment options, pastoral housing allowance, engaging participant wellness resources, a dedicated advisor, and 3(38) fiduciary investment management service, relieving you or significant liability.